Villas de Palermo Hotel and Resort i San Juan del Sur

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NicaraguaVillas de Palermo Hotel and Resort



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Carretera San Juan del Sur, km 139, 48600, San Juan del Sur, Municipal de San Juan del Sur, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8672 0859
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.2674185, Longitude: -85.8589398

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Mairena

    Pablo Mairena


    If you are checking this hotel for an event (e.g. a wedding) you should look somewhere else. Extremely poor customer service, late or no email response and no professionalism are some of the issues my bride and I faced trying to organize our wedding with them earlier this year. Their sales reps are useless. Ended up choosing a different hotel.

  • Ana Villavicencio

    Ana Villavicencio


    Cabañas are ok, affordable prices. Bunch of reckless kids running around, screaming, crying…huge downside. It’s not that I don’t like kids, but the fact that parents don’t supervise them, makes me so angry. Kids threw a rock at our car, had to call the insurance company which made us waste our whole morning. The kids’ parents didn’t even apologize for it. Admin couldn’t do anything about it, they said they don’t have cameras. If you don’t like to be bother by annoying kids better go somewhere else.

  • Melanie Regalario

    Melanie Regalario


    Been living here for more than a year. Great place, near to town, no bugs, great and friendly staff. CONVENIENT might be the word I'll use to summarize our stay here. There's also a good community pool. Could be better management-wise but okay.

  • Lindsay McDonald

    Lindsay McDonald


    So far so good. Only been here a few days but property is nicely maintained, restaurant is good, pool is clean and spacious and the Villas are very nice as well. Front desk reception was very pleasant when we checked in and the property manager for our villa is very responsive to questions and concerns.

  • Christopher Moore

    Christopher Moore


    Not worth it at all. The place is beautiful and has potential, but the staff make this place a nightmare. They act like they don't want you there at all. Had issues from the very moment we checked in, they promised us many things they refused us when we arrived. Like transport to town for free is included in the cost but they refused to let us use it. Also pool towels, everyone had them, we asked for some and they straight said "no" and we thought they were kidding so we laughed and waited a minute and she just stood there and said "no" again and walked off. Extremely rude, refused us service, refused to give us what we paid for. And on top of that they said we purchased a 1 bedroom villa which they don't have, so they would lock one of the rooms in each of our villas so we couldn't access it and refused to check us in until a maid went to go do that. As a full time travel for 6 years I've never seen anything like it, most nica people are very friendly, none of the staff here. I can see why the place is hurting for business, they treat you like you don't belong there.

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