Rancho la teja i Ciudad Sandino

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NicaraguaRancho la teja



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Fredagåben 24 timer
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Søndagåben 24 timer
Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 7666 8785
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Latitude: 12.1603666, Longitude: -86.3628662

kommentar 5

  • Allan Calero

    Allan Calero


    One hour for the food to be brought to you. An incompetent waiter that you ask for a Steak and a Beef Jalapeño, he brings you the Beef Jalapeño and then tells you that there is no beef Jalapeño, only chicken, he doesn't even know how to identify a Jalapeño from a Steak, he doesn't write the order correctly either which he gave to the cook, and I had to wait another hour for them to bring me the blessed steak. Disgusting service, I will not return.

  • Vale Gonzáles

    Vale Gonzáles


    Excellent atention. Excellent meal. family atmosphere. Recommended.

  • Lissette Guido

    Lissette Guido


    Very good place for sure very good barbecue wings 😋 👌 🤤

  • Lloyd Daniels

    Lloyd Daniels


    Very good attention and there is roast meat that is very good too;)

  • Nic 1809

    Nic 1809


    A nice place with fair prices I would recommend the Spicy Wings they taste good.

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