Pizza Express i Matagalpa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaPizza Express



🕗 åbningstider

Frente costado oeste, 62000, Matagalpa, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2772 3345
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.9284616, Longitude: -85.9190075

kommentar 5

  • Eveling Escorcia

    Eveling Escorcia


    Fast and delicious food, very good. I recommend it

  • Yo :yo

    Yo :yo


    I give it one star because you can't give zero. My complaint is that this is a place with a long wait time, we spent about two hours waiting for a couple of burgers.

  • Emanuel Mena Rizo: Oficial

    Emanuel Mena Rizo: Oficial


    Very good place to spend with friends or family ❤

  • Edwin Ramos

    Edwin Ramos


    Terrible service, lack of dedication and interest, and at home if they couldn't take it 500 meters away, they didn't even give me an invoice. All wrong. I'm not flying to go.

  • Alondra Nazareth Weimar

    Alondra Nazareth Weimar


    I like the pizza, where they are located is perfect because it is easily accessible and it stays neat inside, only that the place needs more life and more order with the chairs and tables and the attention that is more personalized, but great, the Super rich ice cream, thank you very much.

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