Los Cardones Ecolodge i Villa El Carmen

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NicaraguaLos Cardones Ecolodge



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Carreterra Montelimar Km 49, 15 Km al Oeste, Villa El Carmen 16500, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 8364 5925
internet side: www.loscardones.com
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Latitude: 11.8990881, Longitude: -86.608829

kommentar 5

  • Chris PEDRICK

    Chris PEDRICK


    Beautiful spot along the beach. The rooms were nice, although very basic. Great spot to get away from day to day craziness of life.

  • Alexandre Masse

    Alexandre Masse


    I love to come here and surf and having food. Beautiful ecological place

  • Chris Ulloa

    Chris Ulloa


    We did not stay, just ate at the restaurant and used the beach. It was surprisingly full since the place was dried up and not presentable. It was relaxing though, until a bartender gave me attitude and just ruined the peace. The food was alright, service was mediocre.

  • Marvin Su

    Marvin Su


    Reasonably close to Managua, Capital city. Safe. No crowds, unwanted noises. Very clean and well taken care of. Good service, fresh food. Varied menu. Fair prices. No coolers allowed. Cons: No toilet inside the rooms. Latrine. No WiFi.

  • Pauline Czyba

    Pauline Czyba


    Idyllic - I can't see any other word to describe this pristine, sweet, eco-friendly place. Coming from Europe, I felt it was just perfect to unwind : time, schedule, weather, constraints, daily commute, forget all of this you are literally in a peaceful bubble : barefoot, bikini and pareo/sarong all day. Our room or little cabaña, was perfect, hammocks and private little terrace made it even better. Homemade food is amazing, from breakfast to diner, all of it - and God knows how exigent we can be coming from France.. For those who surf… do not hesitate any second - My boyfriend and I had the opportunity to surf in many places around the world but this one is one of a kind. First of all, swell is consistent, the spots offers several peaks with different wave types. Then the spot is really for all levels. You can add up a perfect water/air temperature all year long, offshore conditions with glassy early mornings (you’ll be surprised to get in the water around 5:45am !). Beach is pristine and the lovely owners made sure their cabañas, ranchitos and the whole ecolodge perfectly melted into the jungly environment. No harms to local wildlife, no aesthetic pollution of any kind and a true feeling of embracing nature. Daily beach clean ups are made by the team but also the guests themselves and the turtle monitoring program is just AWESOME ! Lastly and not the least for those who surf ! The spot is empty which in 2020 is pretty luxurious.. Fish and turtles will be your only mates except the owners and their kids sometimes at sunrise or sunset ! In the morning we just had to get out of bed, walk 20 meters and surf check with a delicious coffee in hand. To put it in a nutshell, our stay was all about reading, wandering among iguanas, watching baby turtles hatching, napping, having delicious meals with amazing guests who invited to join them, all facilitated by the most kind and helpful team, and of course , surfing. And it felt like a honeymoon :) Many many thanks to Anne Laure, her family and team, we could not have found any better location for our time in Nicaragua. Pauline & Edouard

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