Hotel Ensueño in Rosita

NicaraguaHotel Ensueño


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WHHV+MC5, Rosita, Nicaragua
kontakte telefon: +505 2794 1004
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 13.9291425, Longitude: -84.4063803

kommentare 5

  • moisesito arcia mendoza

    moisesito arcia mendoza


    Everything is good in attention but there is nothing to eat you have to go to the town to look for dinner or lunch or breakfast a few days there is breakfast for 3 because it is good but to give you a resort it lacks a lot

  • Fredy Aragon

    Fredy Aragon


    It is a simple but very safe and comfortable place to spend the night

  • Jonathan Jose Marenco Rodriguez

    Jonathan Jose Marenco Rodriguez


    Very expensive C$ 800 A filthy hotel It would enter the description of GARBAGE the horrendous rooms The smell of damp persists I paid for a room with A/C and in the end I ended up using the fan since the air didn't work and the employee on duty didn't say anything Tried to come up with a solution but your typical response NO WAY USE THE HABANICO NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANYONE

  • Rigoberto Vega Corea

    Rigoberto Vega Corea


    En rosita dream hotel in an accessible place safe good price no complaints or suggestions very safe parking and very good service

  • Pedro Pablo Delgado Flores

    Pedro Pablo Delgado Flores


    I do not recommend the level of hygiene of the beds is terrible. Today I have had to spend the worst night in my entire life. The bed that touched me is full of pure mites.

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