Hiper La Colonia i Managua

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NicaraguaHiper La Colonia



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4Q32+7VM, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
internet side: lacolonia.com.ni
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Latitude: 12.1032039, Longitude: -86.2478364

kommentar 5

  • Franco Escoto

    Franco Escoto


    You'd hope they'd have more variety than the regular Colonia but they just have more of the same. They do have more dessert options from La Granja, which is nice.

  • Ernesto Munoz

    Ernesto Munoz


    Very well stocked. Upscale food, hard to find elsewhere in Managua. Excellent assistance and fast checkout.

  • Ernesto Vanzetti

    Ernesto Vanzetti


    Great supermarket, always clean, staff y very nice and the products are very good

  • Guillermo Rodríguez

    Guillermo Rodríguez


    The most assorted supermarket in the country at a brands and origins level, as well product types. Prices are a bit higher than on other locations or supermarket chains, however it's conveniently located and large.

  • Jim B

    Jim B


    I have been here a few times. It is an extremely nice grocery store with a huge selection. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The store is very clean and modern. It is always a pleasure to visit this location.

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