El Navegante w San Jorge

NikaraguaEl Navegante



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Restaurante EL NAVEGANTE Contiguo al Puerto de, San Jorge 48100, Nicaragua
kontakt telefon: +505 8703 1645
strona internetowej: elnavegantesanjorge.wixsite.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 11.4595031, Longitude: -85.7907767

komentarze 5

  • Hannah Johnson

    Hannah Johnson


    Delicious authentic Italian food whilst waiting for the ferry. Great prices and lovely view. Thank you to the owner for making us feel so welcome! :)

  • Sam Mclear

    Sam Mclear


    Amazing pasta! Host is a lovely Italian man. Food is fresh and tasty. Views of the lake are nice too!

  • Rachel Therrien

    Rachel Therrien


    Nice place to wait for the ferry (they got the perfect spot xD) and vegan options available !! Staff was aware and helpful, food is good and cheap, we tried the aglio e olio spaghettis, really good for 3$ !!

  • Reyna



    That was the best Italian food we had outside Italy, and maybe even better than some restaurants in Europe. Chef is Italian and the seafood is really fresh. With a nice view of Ometepe island too. It's a good stop over while waiting for your boat as it's just outside the port entrance.

  • olliver rørvik

    olliver rørvik


    Oh man was I in for a surprise! The place looks like any rugged seafood resturant you can find along coastlines. The view was decent of island ometepe. But the food was so surprisingly good. I ordered the most common thing you can order. A carbonara. I thought it was going to be like any other standard resturant carbonara. But man was I wrong. The first bit I took I could immediately tell this was made by someone with Italian knowledge. In the end it turned out I was right. The owner was indeed Italian. The food was top tier. They even serve nica style breakfast if you're into something more cheap local style food. But definitely go for the Italian dishes if you miss Europe. You get the full experience in the food.

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