Comedor Rotonda Villa 15 de Julio i Las Mercedes

NicaraguaComedor Rotonda Villa 15 de Julio



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NN-252, Las Mercedes, Chinandega, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.7863633, Longitude: -86.936929

kommentar 1

  • Jag Ojeda

    Jag Ojeda


    The dining room is simple, located on the right side of the exit to the roundabout, coming from Malpaisillo. It offers traditional Nicaraguan breakfasts, at affordable prices and freshly made. This time I ordered an omelette with curd (very rich, good portion) and coffee for two people and it cost me C$105; cheap I would say. Many drivers make a technical stop to eat from early morning, offering coffee, fresh drinks, soft drinks and water. It does not have water or hygienic services. A good point to stop, stretch, drink or eat something to continue the trip to the north of Chinandega or to the border with Honduras.

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