Choco Delicias i Juigalpa

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NicaraguaChoco Delicias



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1, 2 cuadra al norte, Juigalpa, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 5857 3533
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1064632, Longitude: -85.367821

kommentar 5

  • Brandy Duarte

    Brandy Duarte


    I don't have a photo but as soon as it arrived I sit down and find a cockroach where the napkins are 😐, I've always had a bad experience there, the first was with the frozen drinks that they brought me disgustingly sweet 🤮 The other was when they invited me to a dinner there, it was the most miserable dinner I've ever eaten, it wasn't even a gift, the food portions were the worst and we were a large table, at least 12 people and they bring us this. I would never set foot in that place again in my life, it is only known for its crepes, nachos and burgers. The rest is miserable, you already realize it because it always remains empty. Their best service should be delivery because they don't deal with customers and it saves them from pretending the charisma they don't have

  • Erick A. Gutiérrez R.

    Erick A. Gutiérrez R.


    I loved this place, good service, a varied menu with great taste, you can even choose the flavors when ordering your crepes...

  • Darnalia Ayala

    Darnalia Ayala


    The place is nice, the food is the same, but the lady who takes the orders is not friendly, we ordered 12-ounce cokes and I bring them half a liter and she said that was what there is, "the most appropriate thing is to let the customer know. It would be good if you train your attention staff.

  • Nadieska Rocha

    Nadieska Rocha


    They give very good attention and their food is very tasty.

  • Kenneth Benjamin Yoder

    Kenneth Benjamin Yoder


    Shakes aren't the best. Way to sweet!

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