Almacenes SIMAN i Managua

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NicaraguaAlmacenes SIMAN



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Kilómetro 7 carretera a Masaya de la Rotonda Jean Paul Genie, 100 mts al sur Centro comercial Galerías Santo Domingo, Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2264 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.1043945, Longitude: -86.2484382

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yoga Latinos


    Expensive products and bad costumer service. You can find nice things but overpriced

  • Christy Kennedy

    Christy Kennedy


    Siman is like the Belks's of Nicaragua. Actually a little better. I love shopping Siman. It's always neat, friendly service and has a plentiful for me to choose from.

  • en

    Maria Hanon


    Siman is a nice place, the salesmen and women attend you pretty fast. And they are super helpful and nice. This place is kind of like my go to place; if I can't find something anywhere else I most certainly find it here. There's a great variety of things. But it is expensive.

  • Roberto Vasquez

    Roberto Vasquez


    Department store. Great variety of products. Clothes, perfume, kitchen and furniture. Electronics too. Some times cashiers are too slow or more precise... Too few. Only one working where there should be 3.

  • Ken Cleveland

    Ken Cleveland


    It is a decent enough store for Nicaragua. But it does not, in any way, compete with what someone might be used to from a more developed country. They will basically treat you like you are poor. Their prices are generally high and their size selection in clothes is not very good. I'm not impressed with how they deal with their credit. Like most things along those lines here, they will act as if you are rather low class and poor. And the interest rates are through the roof.

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