Hotel Boutique Villa Maya i Managua

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NicaraguaHotel Boutique Villa Maya


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Managua, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2276 2175
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Latitude: 12.0930742, Longitude: -86.2335152

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Saunders

    Andrew Saunders


    My wife and I recently stayed here while working in Managua. We enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and peaceful setting after a long day of work. The included breakfast was very good and served and the back terrace with a view of the garden. My wife especially enjoyed the Mayan decorations, and ended up purchasing a pillow cover from their gift shop. We would both recommend this as a good place to stay.

  • Roger Delgadillo

    Roger Delgadillo


    Cozy and quite place to stay

  • Daniel Aiss

    Daniel Aiss


    Amazing place to stay. Beautiful garden, pool and clean rooms. You leave the chaos of Managua and find a small paradise. The staff is sweet and always helpfull. And just around the corner is a small luxury outside mall with everything you can need.

  • Tristan Parker

    Tristan Parker


    Great staff, beautiful grounds and in a nice, quiet part of town. Felt like I was at home and a couple of shops, cafes within a 5 min walk.

  • en

    Mike Orantes


    Is comfy home like and Biutiful Is great place to spend the weekend or a small travel getaways

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