Dennis Martínez National Stadium. i Managua

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NicaraguaDennis Martínez National Stadium.


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Managua 11122, Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505
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Latitude: 12.1344391, Longitude: -86.2693829

kommentar 5

  • Max Miranda

    Max Miranda


    Nice strcture, great bar on the side to enjoy afterwards

  • J&K Wilhelm

    J&K Wilhelm


    This is an amazing Stadium and definitely worth visiting again! Amazingly inexpensive seating with a view of the Managua lighted trees in the background as a bonus.

  • Samuel Carrara

    Samuel Carrara


    This is a great new stadium. We enjoyed the 6th Latin America game between Nicaragua and Panamá. There are many food vendors with lots of choices. The bathrooms are clean. Outside many street vendors are selling baseball jerseys, hats and other items.

  • Alejandro A. Bermúdez

    Alejandro A. Bermúdez


    The house of the perfect game! La casa del juego perfecto. The best baseball stadium in Nicaragua. Go enjoy a match between any national team and have a good time. The venue is new and has all the amenities you'll need. It has a coffee shop, a bar and a chicken wings place inside the building. Also outside of the main building, but within the premises you may find other sports bars and the official store of the stadium.

  • Mary Bon

    Mary Bon


    If you're a ball fan get thee to the new yard. Every seat is a good one and the playing is top notch. Pitching is in the 80 mph range and the players give it their all.

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