Barceló Managua i Managua

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NicaraguaBarceló Managua



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500, Villa Fontana Sur, 14174, Managua, NI Nicaragua
kontakter telefon: +505 2280 9810
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.096532, Longitude: -86.26342

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maria Hanon


    I've never stay in the hotel, but I've had breakfast there a couple times. The breakfast is decent. There's a pool, it's nice. And the interior and exterior of the hotel is nice. The view from the hotel is really nice. The hotel is a bit high up, on a steep road. But it's worth it.

  • Justin Dove

    Justin Dove


    Room was nice and comphy. Needed this after 10 days in Nicaragua. The front desk seemed slow around 3 but they were also very busy so take this with a grain of salt. Restaurants on location were very good and there is lots to do. The concierge at the entrance was awesome. Super friendly guy who was always smiling and helped me with information.

  • Spencer Manners

    Spencer Manners


    This is a middle of the road hotel but a bit run down. Sort of like an older 5 story Holiday Inn. More locals than tourists. For the economy minded. Service is good and the staff is friendly.

  • en

    Jackson Shaw


    Nice hotel with everything you need. A little ways outside of downtown (did not realize this when booking). Staff were friendly and helpful. Be careful while booking and do not use Cancelon as they do not adhere to the details of the booking agreement. I tried to make a change to my itinerary 2 days before the cancellation cutoff and was told there is nothing they can do.

  • Sarvesh Gupta

    Sarvesh Gupta


    Excellent location, a little further away from the city centre, but the beautiful sounds of the nature make up for it. Very green, next to no pollution. Hotel staff is courteous,speaks just enough English to understand you. Rooms are nice and clean, 5 stars there. The gym is small and with more than three people will start feeling crowded. For people with serious fitness in mind, the gym is a 1 star experience. However, the swimming pool is a redeems the whole fun and fitness bit. Excellent hammocks and swimming pool chairs and a 7 feet deep swimming pool. There is a Japanese restaurant, on which I can't comment, since I avoid exotic food while traveling. The other restaurant is very good too, 4 stars. Oh and there is a casino. Do give it a go if you want to try your luck..

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